Buyers & Sellers - Planetgroup Realty Inc

Buyers & Sellers


Your Real Estate Professional

Choosing to buy a home is one of the most important decisions of your life and should not be taken lightly. That’s why it is in your best interest to associate yourself with a good real estate agent who has experience, who works in the area where you would like to live, and with whom you feel comfortable. If you choose a PLANET GROUP REALTY agent, rest assured that you will be dealing with a true Professional who will provide you personalized service and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

During your first meeting, a PLANET GROUP REALTY Professional will typically talk to you about the neighborhood where you want to live and the prices of the homes, as well as the transportation, schools and surrounding areas.

Your Savings

It is important to develop a financial plan so that you not only save money for the down payment, but for other costs that will come along later like the credit check, the mortgage application and the closing.

Your Credit

Having an established credit history is an important step in a smooth home buying process. Build a good credit history by trying to diversify how you pay for things and dont pay for everything in cash. Pay your bills on time, limit your debt, reduce the amount of credit cards you have and use them responsibly. It is also important to review your credit report – a record of past and current debt that states when, how and if you paid. Make sure that the information contained in your credit report is accurate. You will have the opportunity to correct any errors. A PLANET GROUP REALTY Professional can provide you with assistance in securing a copy of your credit report for review.


The most important decision you will make in the sale of your home is the Realtor you choose. Some points to consider:

  • Find someone you feel comfortable with. If you don’t feel you can ask questions or go to your Realtor, you have the wrong Realtor.
  • Your Realtor should show you research to back up any recommendations. This includes information about recent sales, current listings and recent expired listings in your neighbourhood.

  • Choose a local Realtor. He or she will know your area better than an outsider, will be seen as a source for people looking to relocate in your neighbourhood, and will get better co-operation from other agents. It is likely that any amount you might save by having a friend or relative from outside the area serve as your Realtor, will be lost in their lack of knowledge about the very specific local market.
  • Ask for references from the Realtor. He or she should be willing to give you names of previous clients.
  • Ask your friends and acquaintances for recommendations, but make your final choice based on your needs.
  • Ask the Realtor to show you what will be done to market your home. Consider the office and company support available to him or her as well as the initiative and professionalism shown by the individual.
  • Look for a Realtor who tells you what he or she knows from experience in the market, and not what they think you want to hear. Flattery may sometimes get the listing, but it doesn’t sell the home!