Listing Agreements - Planetgroup Realty Inc

Listing Agreements

The common top three listing agreement choices are:
1) Open Listing
2) Exclusive Agency Listing
3) Exclusive Right-to-Sell Listing

The best choice for you will depend on your willingness and ability to tackle some of the home selling duties and the local real estate market climate.

  • Open Listing
    An open listing lets an owner sell her home by herself. It is a non-exclusive agreement, meaning the owner may execute open listings with more than one real estate broker and pay only the broker who brings an able buyer whose offer the owner accepts.
  • Exclusive Agency Listing
    An exclusive agency listing is similar to an open listing except the major difference is the agent will represent the owner. The owner still reserves the right to sell the property herself and not pay a commission. The broker is free to cooperate with another brokerage, meaning the second brokerage could bring an able buyer whose offer the owner accepts. Typically, the broker is paid a listing commission that is shared with the selling broker, so the owner pays both fees.
  • Exclusive Right-to-Sell Listing
    An exclusive right-to-sell listing is the most commonly utilized instrument. It gives the broker the exclusive right to earn a commission by representing the owner and bringing a buyer, either through another brokerage or directly. The owner pays both the listing and selling broker fees. The owner cannot sell the property herself without paying a commission, unless an exception is noted in the contract.